Self-defence of Kashmiris & Palestinians is their basic human right. Only those who support their genocide will oppose it.

Peace is NOT profitable so it is not being pursued effectively. Let’s change that.


FKG is a registered non-profit Organization in USA.

What is FKG?

When WW2 happened, we thought we got the situation under control & we would ensure maximum efforts thereof for global peace. However, two deadly conflicts were left to fester as vestiges of WW2 in the world by the British government. These two conflicts are nuclear flash points today. First one is Kashmir & the second one is Palestine. In the last 3/4 of a century, many resolutions have been processed to dissipate conflict in these zones by leading humanitarian organisations. Yet, we still find negligible progress in both conflicts. The world is already aware of the vast human rights violations committed in Palestine & Kashmir. There are many humanitarian organisations working to spread vast awareness globally. There are boycott campaigns as well supporting the victims of these conflicts.

However, despite super efforts by the world & various organisations, these two conflicts remain volatile & unabated. If anything, they have progressed to become more sinister & out of control. For this very reason that despite half a century of activism, these conflicts remain non-defused & are worsening to alarming levels; we established FKG. FKG stands for Friends of Kashmir & Gaza. Its purpose is to create a global community all around the world that is the well-wisher of the victims of both the Kashmir & Gaza conflict. This community is to work for making the impossible possible by delivering peace to the victims of both these conflicts.


FKG members belong to diverse backgrounds. We are people like you who feel strongly about carving out a better future for our world where hate, bigotry & intolerance are forbidden to flourish peace & love through basic principles of justice.

  • WHO FEEL strongly about caring out a better future for our world where hate, bigotry & intolerance are forbidden to flourish peace & love through basic principles of justice.

If you think same like us then please join us and support this cause.


FKG exists to ensure that both the conflicts of Kashmir & Palestine are ended at the earliest possible in light of principles of global justice to procure peace & to defuse the two deadliest global nuclear flash points.

Peace is never Profitable so no one supports it effectively despite spending a fortune on it. Our vision is to ensure effective measures that make peace inevitable even for those who are making a profit from destroying it. Our dream is to build a society that doesn’t just talk about Kashmir & Palestine but that feels empowered to deliver peace to both the regions.

This is a global platform built for those who wish to get results not words & consequential action that actually soothes the pain of the victims of the Kashmir & Gaza conflicts. FKG is a non-profit based in USA. We exist to bring the world together for a concentrated effort to end these two conflicts at the earliest possible before any more loss of civilian lives occurs.


How &; why the UN has failed to resolve both Kashmir & Palestine Conflicts?

UN was established in the after math of WW2 to develop unity amongst nations for peace & justice. However, its basic foundation was built upon prejudiced grounds making it lose its efficacy consequently. Due to lack of strict conflict of interest clauses, UN has unfortunately developed utter helplessness in resolving both these crisis. Even though there is desire to achieve peace at the end of UN officials, we have seen them get intimidated by wealthy nations to skew results of these resolutions to serve the interests of these specific countries. End result is total chaos & a very dangerous world approaching an apocalyptic nuclear war. If we are to stop this, we must campaign for emergent reforms in UN restructuring its infrastructure liberating it from the chains of constitutional obligations that serve a few nations against the rest of the world. You cannot have a fair & just world if its biggest conflict-solving humanitarian platform remains a hostage of the bullies of the world. Our aim is to change the future by fixing the plugs in the accountability processes of UN that have Hemorrhaged peace for the last three-quarters of a century at the cost of precious human lives leading to mass displacements, multiple invasions & extraordinary destruction.


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